Calling All Volunteers

The LGBT Fresno fireworks stand reopens July 1st to July 4th and our volunteer need is extremely dire, especially July 4th. If you are able to join us for one (or more) of our shifts, from: 9:00am-1:30pm, 1:30pm-6pm or 6pm-10:30pm (or any combination) please use this signup form or email/text/call. You can also see the facebook event for more details and the booth location.

Your safety is important to us! Safety measures implemented:

Facial masks will be provided (and are required to be worn at all times).
Facial shields will be provided for volunteers who are interacting with customers.
Hand sanitizer available.
Social distancing will be implemented, as much as possible.

FAX & Clovis Stageline stops close by. Uber rides available to those without transportation.
